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English Language   >   Writing Non-Fiction

Types of Non-Fiction

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Writing Non-Fiction

In this course, Dr Amber Regis (University of Sheffield) discusses several types of non-fiction and their defining characteristics. In the first module, we think about what the term non-fiction means. In the second, we consider how audience, purpose and form changes writing by comparing two articles on the same topic. In the third, we read Barack Obama's 2008 victory speech, considering tone, style and register. In the fourth module, we think about using language effectively in the form of the letter. In the fifth, we contemplate how to best construct a review. Finally, in the last module, we go outside the syllabus by considering paratexts, looking at Charlotte Bronte's preface to the second edition of Jane Eyre.

Types of Non-Fiction

In this module, we discuss the types of non-fiction, focusing especially on: (i) the ubiquity and significance of non-fiction in our everyday life, (ii) the definition of non fiction and its truth claims, (iii) non-fiction as a creative endeavour, and (iv) becoming an effective reader of non-fiction in order to become an effective writer.

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Regis, A. (2024, April 19). Writing Non-Fiction - Types of Non-Fiction [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Regis, A. "Writing Non-Fiction – Types of Non-Fiction." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 19 Apr 2024,


Dr Amber Regis

Dr Amber Regis

Sheffield University