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English Language   >   Writing Creative Fiction

Writing Creatively and Imaginatively

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Writing Creative Fiction

In this course, Professor Alan Wall (University of Chester) teaches us about writing creative and imaginative fiction. In the first module, we investigate some of the tools and techniques that we can use for creative and imaginative writing. In the second module, we look at the use and effect of defamiliarisation. In the third module, examine character, before turning our attention to plot in the fourth module. In the fifth module, we explore purposeful use of narrative voice and irony in creative fiction. Finally, in the sixth module, we bring everything together to finally consider humour and style.

Writing Creatively and Imaginatively

In this module, we introduce what we mean by being creative in writing, focusing in particular on (i) using language to create striking and vivid images (ii) tools for creative writing (iii) effective use of vocabulary (iv) examples of intelligent creative writing.

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APA style

Wall , A. (2024, January 11). Writing Creative Fiction - Writing Creatively and Imaginatively [Video]. MASSOLIT.

MLA style

Wall , A. "Writing Creative Fiction – Writing Creatively and Imaginatively." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 17 Jan 2024,

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Prof.  Alan  Wall

Prof. Alan Wall

Chester University