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Physics   >   Wave-Particle Duality

Classical Particles and Waves

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Wave-Particle Duality

In this course, Professor Carla Faria (University College London) explores wave-particle duality. In the first mini-lecture, we discuss classical properties of particles and waves through the lens of the double-slit experiment. In the second mini-lecture, we discuss the wave-particle properties of light and see how these arise in the double-slit experiment. In the third mini-lecture, we think about the wave-particle nature of light from an optics perspective and discuss some of the historical developments from the corpuscular theory of light to today’s modern interpretation of light.

Classical Particles and Waves

In this mini-lecture, we explore classical particles and waves, focusing in particular on: (i) the properties of classical particles, including localisation in space and rectilinear propagation; (ii) the double-slit experiment using classical particles and how to determine the probability distribution of particles hitting the detector screen; (iii) classical waves and interference as seen in ripples on the surface of a pond; (iv) the double slit experiment with waves; (v) waves that are in phase and waves that are out of phase; and (vi) how to determine the probability distribution of particles hitting the detector screen in the double-slit experiment with a wave source.

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Faria, C. (2023, January 18). Wave-Particle Duality - Classical Particles and Waves [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Faria, C. "Wave-Particle Duality – Classical Particles and Waves." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 18 Jan 2023,
