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Media Studies   >   Television – Industry, Audiences and Representation

The Television Industry

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Television – Industry, Audiences and Representation

In this course, Dr Simone Knox (University of Reading) discusses the television industry, audiences and representation. In the first module, we look more closely at the television industry. After this, we look at television audiences in more detail. In the third module, we look at the specific topic of television fandom in more detail. Then, we explore a broad view of television representation. Finally, we discuss representation in television today.

The Television Industry

In this module, we look more closely at the television industry. In particular, we will focus on: (i) how the television industry is shaped by production, distribution, and reception; (ii) the shift from regulation to deregulation with less oversight; (iii) the shift from public service broadcasting to commercial objectives; (iv) the effects of globalisation and conglomeration; (v) examples and explanations of aggressive takeovers and intellectual property acquisitions; (vi) the effect of new technologies, such as algorithms, IP restrictions, and geo-blocking; (vii) how branding and marketing strategies have become crucial for success, including a discussion of the value of established intellectual properties; (viii) the localisation of global processes; and (ix) the increasing interest in sustainability in TV production.

Cite this Lecture

APA style

Knox, S. (2023, July 10). Television – Industry, Audiences and Representation - The Television Industry [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Knox, S. "Television – Industry, Audiences and Representation – The Television Industry." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 10 Jul 2023,


Dr Simone Knox

Dr Simone Knox

Reading University