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History   >   Britain – Politics, 1688-1714

What challenges did William III face in 1688?

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Britain – Politics, 1688-1714

In this course, Professor Jeremy Black (University of Exeter) discusses the Revolutionary Settlement from 1688 to 1714. In the first module, we look at what challenges William III of England faced in 1688. After this, we explore how William III confronted the Jacobites in Ireland and Scotland. Then, we look at the impact of foreign policy on the Revolutionary Settlement. In the fourth module, we focus on the impact of religion on the Revolutionary Settlement. Then, we turn to look at the development of party politics in this period. Finally, we explore the impact of the growth in the freedom of the press in this period.

What challenges did William III face in 1688?

In this module, we look at what challenges William III of England faced in 1688. In particular, we will focus on: (i) what political system came into being with the Revolutionary Settlement and the difficulty of grounding peacefully a new political system; (ii) the background of James II, William III and Mary II; (iii) the Jacobite threat that William faced when he came to the throne after the Glorious Revolution of 1688; (iv) the challenges William III faced in Scotland and Ireland; and (v) the political fallout from James II's abdication and the Glorious Revolution.

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Black, J. (2023, November 16). Britain – Politics, 1688-1714 - What challenges did William III face in 1688? [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Black, J. "Britain – Politics, 1688-1714 – What challenges did William III face in 1688?." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 16 Nov 2023,


Prof. Jeremy Black

Prof. Jeremy Black

Exeter University