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History   >   Britain – Parliamentary Reform and the Reform Act of 1832

What did Parliamentary Reform mean in the long 18th century?

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Britain – Parliamentary Reform and the Reform Act of 1832

In this course, Professor Jeremy Black (University of Exeter) looks at Parliamentary Reform and the Reform Act of 1832. In the first module, we explore what Parliamentary Reform meant in the long 18th century. Then, we look at what put Parliamentary Reform on the agenda in 1830. After this, we discuss the significance of the House of Lords in blocking Parliamentary Reform from 1830-32. In the fourth module, we look at how the Reform Act of 1832 was passed. Then, we look at the consequences of the Reform Act on further reform. Finally, we look at the consequences of the Reform Act on history and politics.

What did Parliamentary Reform mean in the long 18th century?

In this module, we explore what Parliamentary Reform meant in the long 18th century. In particular, we will look at: (i) the nature of the vote in the long 18th century and how this compares to the modern day; (ii) the major concerns for law-makers when it came to Parliamentary Reform in the long 18th century (ii) how the voting and political system functioned before the Reform Act of 1832, including a discussion of rotten boroughs and the lack of representation of Northern industrial towns; and (iv) the effects of religious reform on Parliamentary Reform.

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Black, J. (2024, February 08). Britain – Parliamentary Reform and the Reform Act of 1832 - What did Parliamentary Reform mean in the long 18th century? [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Black, J. "Britain – Parliamentary Reform and the Reform Act of 1832 – What did Parliamentary Reform mean in the long 18th century?." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 08 Feb 2024,


Prof. Jeremy Black

Prof. Jeremy Black

Exeter University