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What is the relationship between backbenchers and the government?


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About the lecture

In this module David Blunkett answers the question: “How would you characterise the relationship between backbenchers and the government, and how has this changed during your time in politics?”, focusing in particular on: (i) his own experiences in Cabinet under New Labour from 1997; (ii) the importance of backbench support, and how this is affected by majority versus minority or coalition governments; (iii) the parliamentary whip system; (iv) Theresa May’s government defeats; (v) the ultimate importance of events.

About the lecturer

Lord David Blunkett is a British Labour Party politician and present Member of the House of Lords. Prior to taking up his position in the Lords, Professor Blunkett was an MP for 28 years, and served in multiple New Labour cabinets. He was Britain’s first blind Cabinet minister. He has held several Cabinet positions, including as Secretary of State for Education and Employment (1997-2001), Home Secretary (2001-2004), and finally Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (2005).

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APA style

Blunkett, D. (2023, February 28). Senior Politicians and Other Experts on UK Government - What is the relationship between backbenchers and the government? [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Blunkett, D. "Senior Politicians and Other Experts on UK Government – What is the relationship between backbenchers and the government?." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 28 Feb 2023,