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History   >   US History – Slavery and the Civil War, 1775-1865

What is Slavery?

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US History – Slavery and the Civil War, 1775-1865

In this course, Professor Tim Lockley (University of Warwick) looks at the institution of slavery in the United States, thinking in particular about the period between the Revolutionary War (1775-83) and the American Civil War (1861-65). In particular, the course explores the growing tensions between the free states of the north and slave states of the south, the various compromises that were attempted in the course of the century in order to preserve the Union, and the impact and aftermath of the Civil War that took place between 1861-65.

What is Slavery?

In this module, we explore the origins of the Atlantic trade and the reasons behind the importation of almost 10 million individuals from Africa in the period 1500-1900.

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Lockley, T. (2018, August 15). US History – Slavery and the Civil War, 1775-1865 - What is Slavery? [Video]. MASSOLIT.

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Lockley, T. "US History – Slavery and the Civil War, 1775-1865 – What is Slavery?." MASSOLIT, uploaded by MASSOLIT, 15 Aug 2018,


Prof. Tim Lockley

Prof. Tim Lockley

Warwick University